C Language Training Course in Meerut

The C is a general-purpose programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at AT & T’s Bell Laboratories of USA. C Language was created to design UNIX operating system. It was designed to be a low-level language, meaning that it provides programmers with direct access to the computer's hardware and memory, while still allowing for high-level programming constructs like functions, loops, and conditional statements. C language Course is simple and easy to use. C is an ANSI/ISO standard language for developing real-time applications. C language is the basis and inspirer of all other programming language.

C has become a popular language for systems programming, embedded systems, and scientific computing. Its syntax is relatively simple and easy to learn, and it has a rich set of built-in data types, operators, and functions. C is a very popular programming language. C is a structure-oriented or procedural language and is a highly efficient programming language. C gives a maximum control to the programmers who code the computer programs. With the help of C language, one can lean the coding for microcontrollers and other scientific applications.

C programs are typically compiled rather than interpreted, meaning that they are converted into machine code that can be executed directly by the computer's hardware. This makes C programs fast and efficient, but also requires that they be written with care, as errors can have serious consequences.

C language also plays a leading role in learning other programming languages involving similar concepts. C is a versatile and high level language and runs very fast.

top c training institute meerut

C Language Course Syllabus

Introduction to C Language
    · What is ‘C’?
    · Why we use ‘C’?
    · Importance of C
    · Pre- processor and Header Files
    · Basic Structure of C Program
    · Installation of C
    · First C Program
    · Comments
    · Why C is Considered as Middle Level Language
    · Program Debugging
Basics of C Programming
    · Keywords
    · Constants
             Primary Constants
             Secondary constants
    · Variables
             Local varible
             Global varible
             Static Varible
Data Types in C Language(int, char, float, double)
What is Identifier
What are Operators?
             Arithmetic operators in C
             Increment and decrement Operators
             Assignment operators
             Relational Operators
             Logical operators
             Conditional Operators
             Special Operators
Decision Control Statements
             If Statement
             If-else Statement
             Nested If-else Statement
Loops in C Programming
             For Loop
             While Loop
             do-While Loop
Case Control Statements
             Decisions using Switch
             break and continue
Preprocessor Directives
             What is Functions
             Type of Function
             Call by value and call by reference
             What is Pointers
             Understanding Basics of Pointers
             Pointer Declaration
             Null Pointers in C
             Initialization of Pointers
             values and addresses
Arrays in C
    · What is Arrays
    · Declaration of an Array
    · Initialization of Arrays
    · Types Of Arrays
    · 1-D , 2-D Arrays
    · Functions and Arrays
    · Pointers and Arrays
    · Array of Pointers

Strings in C Programming
    · Introduction to Strings
    · String Functions
    · Arrays and Strings

Structures in C Language
    · Introduction to structures
    · Declearing of structures
    · Array of Structures
    · Uses of Structures

I/O Functions in C
File handling in C
    · What is a File?
    · Types of Files
    · File Operations
    · Creat a new file
    · Opening an existing file
    · Reading from file
    · Writing to a file
    · Closing a file

C Language Training Duration
Weekdays Mon-Fri 1.5 hrs/day 1 month
Weekends Sat-Sun 3 hrs/day 1 month

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