Fresh & Healthy Food Products


Almonds include vitamin supplements, mineral deposits, necessary protein, and also fibers, additionally they may possibly give you a quantity of health rewards. Simply a several almonds — roughly a single ounces — includes one-eighth of your female or males everyday necessary protein requires.

Sarker Trade International Ltd. import almond nuts from different part of the world.

Cashew Nuts

Cashew Nuts tend to be lower in sugars as well as fiber rich, heart-healthy body fat, as well as flower proteins. They may the great supply of copper mineral, magnesium, as well as manganese — nutrition vital for power creation, mind wellness, defenses, as well as bone tissue wellness.

Hazel Nuts

The particular hazelnut, also called the particular filbert, is actually a form of fanatic that will arises from the particular Corylus forest. Hazelnuts have a very special flavor and are ingested uncooked, roasted or perhaps surface in to a substance.

Just like additional almonds, hazelnuts are usually abundant with vitamins and minerals and possess a top articles regarding necessary protein, fat, nutritional supplements. Listed here are more effective evidence-based health rewards regarding hazelnuts.


Walnuts tend to be full of heart-healthy body fat as well as full of anti-oxidants. In addition, frequently consuming walnuts might enhance mind health insurance and lower your likelihood of heart problems as well as malignancy. These types of nut products are often integrated within your diet plan, because they could be consumed by themselves or even put into a variety of meals.

Black Tea

Black tea is stronger than all other less oxidized tea. Really better throughout flavoring possesses far more the level of caffeine than any other teas, nevertheless a lesser amount of the level of caffeine when compared with coffee beans. Black tea now offers various health improvements mainly because it is made up of vitamin antioxidant along with chemical substances which will help lessen infection by the body processes.

Dried Leaves Tea

Both herbal teas and teas made from Camellia Synesis can be brewed from fresh tea leaves. The drying process is necessary for long term storage. In regular tea production, initial drying (withering) is necessary for the processing. Tea from fresh tea leaves tastes different than processed dry tea.

Green Tea

Green tea extract is really a kind of green tea which is produced from Camellia synesis simply leaves as well as pals which have not really gone through exactly the same withering as well as oxidation procedure utilized to create oolong tea as well as dark tea. Green tea extract originated from China, nevertheless creation as well as produce has moved abroad within Eastern Asian countries.

Sarker Trade International Ltd. can offer you all types of high quality available green tea to our local & global customers.

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