Software Development Services

Web development

Simon Stellwag offer a wide range of web development services and can handle any your request, no matter if it’s a simple website or high-performance enterprise web app

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Mobile app development

By putting together tech expertise and creativity, our programmers can craft a custom mobile application that will help your business develop

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Quality assurance

Our experienced QA specialists will ensure that your software solution is bug-free and performs perfectly before it gets to real  users

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Full-cycle development

Our team provides end-to-end software development services and can guide you through every stage of the process, from  defining the concept of your solution to the product release

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Dedicated team

If you need skillful programmers for a project but don’t want to waste time and resources on recruitment and HR management, hire our dedicated team and consider the job done.

Tech support

We deliver professional post-launch support services and can resolve all technical issues occurring in your IT systems efficiently and in a timely manner

How our custom software solutions can add value to your business

Our outsource software development company can develop a modern, reliable, and bug-free solution that would satisfy the needs and facilitate the development of your business.

Long-term cost-effectiveness

Custom software development projects have excellent ROI so all your investments will pay off in the end.

Business process automation

A bespoke software system will allow you to streamline your business and, thus, make it more efficient at lower costs.

Increase in revenues

The enterprise software solution will help you optimize your company’s activity that will naturally lead to higher profits.

Scalability and growth

Opening additional service lines, entering new markets, and any other kind of business growth is easier, faster, and more predictable with tailor-made software that is built with changes in mind.

Improved employee productivity

If there is software that performs all routine work, the risk of human error is eliminated and employees can focus on more complex tasks.

Advanced data protection

We understand the value of data any business collects & possesses. That’s why we put a special attention on making software solutions resistant to cyberattacks.

Why choose Simon Stellwag for custom software development

We provide quality software development services and can build a web or mobile solution that perfectly fits your requirements. Competently. Hustle-free. In a timely fashion

Strong expertise

Our team consists of experienced tech savvies truly dedicated to the work they do. We use best practices, know industry trends, and constantly improve.

Comprehensive approach

To offer the best possible solution, we always analyze client’s business goals and the main idea behind a product before writing the first line of code.

Client-centric attitude

For our software development company, client satisfaction is the first priority. That’s why we strive to exceed the initial expectations in many ways.

Flexible cooperation model

We can adapt our processes to the project needs and give our clients the opportunity to choose a cooperation model that suits their financial capabilities best.

Fair pricing

We offer the supreme quality of services at a reasonable price and try to increase the project’s cost-effectiveness in every single case.


We believe that trust is the foundation for success. Our clients have full access to their projects and can make sure that everything goes smoothly at any time.

 Simon Stellwag services

1. Software development services

2. Web application development services

3. Qa & testing services

4. SEO services

5. Mobile app development services

6. E-commerce

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